Monday, January 28, 2013

V.A. - There Is No Way Out Vol. 3 (2012) Puzzle Records/Knochen Tapes

                              Just stumbled upon this rager today, and damn is it good !
                              It came as 2 tracks, so I did what I do best and split this
                              brutal bad boy of a comp ! Although alot of the bands here
                              are from Germany, there are a good handfull from other regions
                              of our tattered world. Simply atomic, this compilation brings
                              forth a new wave of powerviolence, fastcore & grind bands,
                              with the acception of those old German youngsters, Yacopsae.
                              All I have left to say is, you need this comp !!!!!

                              01 Crippled Fox - What's With The Do It Yourself
                              02 Slump - Disroot
                              03 Strong As Ten - Is This Reality ? Is This Me ?
                              04 I'll Eat Your Face - Enslaved By The Prawnmaster
                              05 Afterlife Kids - Die Muhlen Der Zeit
                              06 Klutz - Otazka (Live)
                              07 Shackles - Elusive
                              08 Geezers - We Don't Care
                              09 Alarmstufe Gerd - Glaub Ich Nicht
                              10 Fuck Wolves! - But Habit Is A Great Deadener
                              11 Voodoo Zombies - Glaubt Du, Die Toten
                              12 KSM40 - Steinbeisser (Ehrenfeld Mangel version)
                              13 Hanker Hoax Haphazard - Jangan Ajari Kami Bahasa
                              Bar Bar Lagi
                              14 Post-War Perdition - Extended Self-Conditioning
                              15 Angst - Traumatized
                              16 Mindflair - Calculator Generation
                              17 Hordes - Brut Hammer
                              18 Drug Couple - Co-Dependent
                              19 Cluster Bomb Unit - Manipuliert
                              20 Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair Wheelchair - Make
                              Sweet Music
                              21 Shaolin Finger Jabb - Satan Equals Love
                              22 Nihil Baxter - Chromos Der Weltenverspiegler
                              23 Kellerasseln - Mein Ofen
                              24 Horse Bastard - Through The Labradoor
                              25 xBrainiax - Keep Praying
                              26 Derbe Lebowski - Self-Inflicted
                              27 Columbo - When I Get What I Want
                              28 Yacopsae - Bundeswehr
                              29 Love Channel - One Day
                              30 Human Waste - Shwallow Grave
                              31 Corrosive - Selbskorrektur
                              32 Unlearned - Kung Fucious
                              33 Askgatt - Macho Punks, Fuck Off!
                              34 Clint Eastwood - Ich Wunscht Dau Wars Freckt
                              35 Run Time Error - Hoffnungsschimmer
                              36 Burt - Der Club Der Toten Dichter
                              37 Water Torture - Amber Vapor
                              38 Seasick - Grunz
                              39 Suffering Quota - IV
                              40 Fuck Right Off - Word Induced Narcolepsy
                              41 Bill Shatnerrr - Doooooooooom


HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone !!!!!!!!!!

Been slacking on the posts, will try to get my act together this year !
Hoping to post tons of things, cause many things are ready to go up !
Hope all of you are doing great ! Infest is back, and all is well in Cali !
Let's have a fucking awesome year !

Peace, Love, & raging hardcore to all !!!!!!!!!!