I found a Demo of Cokskar a couple years ago, was very impressed !
Just recently saw they have a blog, and grabbed this split from there.
It came as 2 tracks, and I couldn't resist splitting them. For anyone
who loves good fastcore/pv/grind style, you will love this one ! I had
never heard of Sloven before this split, but they definitly deserve some
praise as well, suprisingly great stuff ! Both bands hailing from
Minneapolis, Minnesota, and both unleash serious rage and fury
on this masterpiece of excellence ! Cokskar features a female
vocalist who rips your face off with a ferocious force of adrenalin
infused onslaught ! Like a succubus from hell, she draws you in
with an ultra-magnetic voice ! She could have my soul any day !
I love this band !!!!!
01 Cokskar - Yahoo
02 Cokskar - Slumlord
03 Cokskar - B.Y.O.J.
04 Cokskar - Pandemic
05 Cokskar - Cokskarrer
06 Cokskar - Stupid Baby - Cokeskar
07 Cokskar - Fuck You, Cool Dude
08 Sloven - Trivial Pursuit
09 Sloven - Shit For Thought
10 Sloven - Whatever Shit You Can Think Of
11 Sloven - Excrement
12 Sloven - Deja Vu
13 Sloven - Inhibitor
14 Sloven - 20:5-0
15 Sloven - Walls
16 Sloven - Untitlement
17 Sloven - Ice Bound