Friday, February 19, 2016

Burt - Discography 2008-2013 cassette (2015) Germany

                          Alright, been meaning to put this up for a while now.
                          Hailing from Saarbrücken Germany, comes the ominous and
                          and relentlessly epic Burt !!!!!
                          They bring to the table some in your face powerviolence, not
                          unreminiscent of West Coast US classics, and they do it very
                          well !
                          Loved these guys since they first appeared on the scene !
                          Got the go ahead from the singer Mark to put up the Discography.
                          He also helped me with the tracklist for the Klutz split, very cool
                          dude !
                          These guys are one of my favorites in the powerviolence genre 
                          from Germany !
                          They are definitely among the heavy hitters like Nuclear Cult, 
                          Henry Fonda, Pink Flamingoes, Y and the such.
                          This one just might make you stage dive off the couch ! :)

                           01 Brot Backen
                           02 Suizidhassfigur
                           03 Ich Bin Got
                           04 Stuhlgang
                           05 Rainy Day
                           06 Abgefuckt
                           07 Klartext
                           08 Seifenblasen
                           09 Monsieur Katzenbach
                           10 Chasse Gardée
                           11 Romulaner-Ölsardine
                           12 12xU
                           13 Trés Mal
                           14 Abfahrt
                           15 Körnerbox
                           16 Ich Bin Gott
                           17 Alles Wird Gut
                           18 Fallrohr
                           19 Keine Ahnung
                           20 Mann Von Zollamt
                           21 Ovangkol
                           22 Seerauberbraut
                           23 Homoopathische Kackscheisse
                           24 Rapunzel
                           25 Accident Au Cinema
                           26 Scheiteltyp
                           27 Wolenkratzer
                           28 Scheisshausfliegen
                           29 Babelfisch
                           30 Autodigestion
                           31 Der Club Der Toten Dichter
                           32 Mr. Katzenbach
                           33 So Nicht Sie!
                           34 Stuhlgang
                           35 Brot Backen - Suizidhassfigur (Live)
                           36 Körnerbox (Live)
                           37 Abgefuckt (Live)
                           38 Accident Au Cinema (Live)
                           39 Homoopathische Kackscheisse (Live)
                           40 Seifenblasen (Live)
                           41 Scheiteltyp (Live)
                           42 Wolenkratzer (Live)
                           43 Scheisshausfliegen (Live)
                           44 Babelfisch (Live)
                           45 Der Club Der Toten Dichter (Live)
                           46 Autodigestion (Live)
                           47 So Nicht Sie! (Live)
                           48 Rapunzel (Live)
                           49 Chasse Gardée (Live)
                           50 Stuhlgang (Live)
                           51 12xU (Live)
                           52 Klartext (Live)
                           53 Keine Ahnung (Live)
                           54 Trés Mal (Live)
                           55 Mr. Katzenbach (Live)
                           56 Seerauberbraut (Live)
                           57 Ovangkol (Live)

                           58 Abfahrt (Live)
                           59 Ich Bin Got (Live)
                           60 Fallrohr (Live)
                           61 Mann Von Zollamt (Live)
                           62 Romulaner-Ölsardine (Live)
                           63 Alles Wird Gut - Rainy Day (Live)

                           Track List
                           1-9 Mustache Thrash (2009)
                           10-16 Henry Fonda split (2010)
                           17-19 A Fucking Tribute To Slap-A-Ham comp (2010)
                           20-25 Sef Titled (single-sided 7'') (2011)
                           26-33 KSM40 split (2012)
                           34 Fast//Violence comp (2013)
                           35-63 Klutz (Live split) (2012)



  1. Mike, I just added you to my blog list, keep it up with cool hardcore punk on your blog!

    1. Cool Brother, were you in Vaseline Children ?

    2. Yes, I was :)
      You emailed me a while ago about link of VC last album, right?
