Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The GOP - England Sucks 7'' (2005) Portland, Oregon

                      My friend from Los Crustaceos in Chile asked me about this band,
                      never heard of them until today.
                      Many thanks to xrobotodox, this EP rules !!!!!
                      Also many thanks to violenttumor (from his You Tube page) !!!!!
                      Very reminiscent of early DC, ala Teen Idles, Youth Brigade, and
                      Government Issue.
                      This EP took me right back to 80-81', totally freakin' awesome !!!!!
                      01 England Sucks
                      02 West Linn
                      03 Portland Politics
                      04 Who We Are



  1. Replies
    1. Yes sir !
      Count Floyd review: Kids, this is scary good, scary kids !!!!!
      hahaha, but seriously, is damn good, I agree ! :)

    2. Hey, cool. This is my band from way back when (I'm the singer and unfortunately also the lyricist). Glad you dig it and surprised it's still spinning somewhere ten years later. I think it got a lot of plays during the Brexit vote ;)

    3. Ah, haha, very cool ! Yeah, great stuff for sure ! You guys ever record anything else ? Demo or otherwise ? You in any bands today ? I've been in the scene since 79', so I actually got to see a ton of the early HC/Punk bands. I'm still in the scene. Brexit, hahaha, not sure they thought that one through :)

    4. Hey Mike, just saw this. We recorded another 7" but sadly it was never released. I live in Amsterdam now but I'm putting together a new band, pretty much exactly the same style. I will come back and let you know if anything happens. Really enjoying reading through your blog - hope you plan to continue updating it again at some point!
