Saturday, July 7, 2012

Sordo - Broken Sound Barrier Collection (2012) Oxnard (compiled and edited by oldschoolmike)

Here's a band hailing from good old Oxnard, the place where
Nardcore sprung from in the early 80's. I first heard about Sordo
from my Colombian friend in Chulo, a great South American
powerviolence/grind combo. He sent me their split with Sordo,
and I was hooked ! I looked up Sordo on the net, and was able
to find their Collection 08'-12' cd-r for download. Totally
awesome collection of pure raw and sweat driven powerviolence !
I saw that the last 5 or so tracks on their collection were not split
into tracks, they were the whole recordings from Demo and splits.
If you know me, then you know I had to split all these recordings
for the love of hardcore/fastcore/powerviolence ! :) I recently
contacted Eduardo, the bass player from Sordo, and he gave me
the go-ahead to do my magic. Art included in this post is random
cool art and pics from their Collection cd-r. So without further
ado, get ready to rumble, cause here is some awesome raging
powerviolence in your face !!!!! I give you the nuclear explosive
sounds of Sordo !!!!!

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